Tego Digital Solutions

Tego Digital Solutions “Tego Digital” is a newly  established entity borne​ out of the emerging  opportunity around digital and cloud technology services across the African continent. The  founders have extensive experience at the highest  level of the public and private sectors in multiple  jurisdictions in Africa. Tego Digital’s principals  recognise that ‘digital first’ is embedded in policy  and is set to shape the form and function of  government and the private sector in Africa over  the next decade and beyondTego Digital Serrvices is well-positioned to capitalize on this demand within Africa. We are a leader in the provision of comprehensive outsourced IT solutions for small, mid-sized and large scale businesses, have a strong market presence, a compelling set of offerings, and the technical wherewithal to exploit this business opportunity.

Saas in Africa

Software as a service (or SaaS) is a way of delivering applications over the Internet—as a service.Insteadof installing and maintaining software, users simply access it via the Internet, freeing themselves from complex software and hardware management.


Salesforce is a company that makes cloud-based software designed  to help businesses find more prospects, close more deals, and provide  customer-centric service. Customer 360, Salesforce’s complete suite of products, unites sales,  service, marketing, commerce, and IT teams with a single, shared  view of customer information, helping organisations grow  relationships with customers and employees alike.


New Digital Normal

In a way, the pandemic has provided a  ‘knowledge bump’ vis-à-vis the benefits of SaaS  relative to traditional software acquisition and its  utility within organisations. Africa presents unique and fresh opportunities in  this regard.


zettabytes of data will be stored in the cloud by 2025 


 of the world’s corporate data is stored in the cloud


of large enterprises have adopted a multi-cloud infrastructure

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PHONE: +230.211.2206
FAX: +230.211.2205
MOBILE: +230.59032191 
EMAIL: shalinee@schindlers.mu 


2nd Floor, Block B, Medine Mews, La Chaussée Street, 11328 Port-Louis, Mauritius

Tego Digital Services

2nd Floor, Block B, Medine Mews, La Chaussée Street, 11328 Port-Louis, Mauritius